Announcing AIProxy

March 22, 2024 by Todd Hamilton

A quick post on why we're building AIProxy

@louzell_ and I have been heads down for the last few weeks talking to customers and refining AI Proxy. TLDR - securing your OpenAI key is hard, and there's a lot misguided info out there on how to do it properly. It's amazing how many apps we've found with exposed keys.

It's a problem we've run into ourselves while building a few AI apps of our own. Having to spin up a backend every time you integrate AI is pain, and slows you down from shipping. Not to mention you have to maintain that backend post-launch.

Building mobile apps is hard enough already, why make it harder by trying to learn backend development!

So we built AIProxy to solve this. We wanna make it as easy as possible for app developers to secure their keys without any of the headaches.

We're learning a ton from talking with customers and we're excited to bring more onto the beta. So if your building any kind of AI app just shoot me or @louzell_ a DM and we'll be happy to get you setup!