Swift Examples - Together AI

Step 1

Add the AIProxySwift package to your Xcode project

  1. Open your Xcode project
  2. Select File > Add Package Dependencies
  3. Paste github.com/lzell/aiproxyswift into the package URL bar
  4. Click Add Package
Step 2


Import AIProxy and initialize using the following code:

import AIProxy

let togetherAIService = AIProxy.togetherAIService(
    partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
    serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
Step 3

Setup DeviceCheck

Before adding the DeviceCheck ENV variable check these three things: 1) in Xcode check that your Apple developer team is selected under the 'Signing & Capabilities' tab 2) make sure the bundle ID of your app is explicit (i.e. it can't contain a wildcard) 3) make sure the bundle ID in Xcode matches a bundle ID listed on the Identifers page in the Apple Developer dashboard.

Add the AIPROXY_DEVICE_CHECK_BYPASS env variable to your Xcode project:

  • Type cmd-shift-comma to open up the "Edit Schemes" menu
  • Select Run in the sidebar
  • Add to the "Environment Variables" section (not the "Arguments Passed on Launch" section) an env variable with name AIPROXY_DEVICE_CHECK_BYPASS and value that we provided you in the AIProxy dashboard.

How to create a non-streaming chat completion with TogetherAI

See the TogetherAI model list for available options to pass as the model argument:

import AIProxy

let togetherAIService = AIProxy.togetherAIService(
    partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
    serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
do {
    let requestBody = TogetherAIChatCompletionRequestBody(
        messages: [TogetherAIMessage(content: "Hello world", role: .user)],
        model: "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Turbo"
    let response = try await togetherAIService.chatCompletionRequest(body: requestBody)
    print(response.choices.first?.message.content ?? "")
}  catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
    print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
    print("Could not create TogetherAI chat completion: \(error.localizedDescription)")

How to create a streaming chat completion with TogetherAI

See the TogetherAI model list for available options to pass as the model argument:

import AIProxy

let togetherAIService = AIProxy.togetherAIService(
    partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
    serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
do {
    let requestBody = TogetherAIChatCompletionRequestBody(
        messages: [TogetherAIMessage(content: "Hello world", role: .user)],
        model: "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Turbo"
    let stream = try await togetherAIService.streamingChatCompletionRequest(body: requestBody)
    for try await chunk in stream {
        print(chunk.choices.first?.delta.content ?? "")
}  catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
    print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
    print("Could not create TogetherAI streaming chat completion: \(error.localizedDescription)")

How to create a JSON response with TogetherAI

JSON mode is handy for enforcing that the model returns JSON in a structure that your application expects. You specify the contract using schema below. Note that only some models support JSON mode. See this guide for a list.

import AIProxy

let togetherAIService = AIProxy.togetherAIService(
    partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
    serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
do {
    let schema: [String: AIProxyJSONValue] = [
        "type": "object",
        "properties": [
            "colors": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": [
                        "name": [
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "A descriptive name to give the color"
                        "hex_code": [
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "The hex code of the color"
                    "required": ["name", "hex_code"],
                    "additionalProperties": false
        "required": ["colors"],
        "additionalProperties": false
    let requestBody = TogetherAIChatCompletionRequestBody(
        messages: [
                content: "You are a helpful assistant that answers in JSON",
                role: .system
                content: "Create a peaches and cream color palette",
                role: .user
        model: "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Turbo",
        responseFormat: .json(schema: schema)
    let response = try await togetherAIService.chatCompletionRequest(body: requestBody)
    print(response.choices.first?.message.content ?? "")
}  catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
    print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
    print("Could not create TogetherAI JSON chat completion: \(error.localizedDescription)")

How to make a tool call request with Llama and TogetherAI

This example is a Swift port of this guide:

import AIProxy

let togetherAIService = AIProxy.togetherAIService(
    partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
    serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
do {
    let function = TogetherAIFunction(
        description: "Call this when the user wants the weather",
        name: "get_weather",
        parameters: [
            "type": "object",
            "properties": [
                "location": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
                "num_days": [
                    "type": "integer",
                    "description": "The number of days to get the forecast for",
            "required": ["location", "num_days"],

    let toolPrompt = """
    You have access to the following functions:

    Use the function '\(function.name)' to '\(function.description)':
    \(try function.serialize())

    If you choose to call a function ONLY reply in the following format with no prefix or suffix:

    <function=example_function_name>{{\"example_name\": \"example_value\"}}</function>

    - Function calls MUST follow the specified format, start with <function= and end with </function>
    - Required parameters MUST be specified
    - Only call one function at a time
    - Put the entire function call reply on one line
    - If there is no function call available, answer the question like normal with your current knowledge and do not tell the user about function calls


    let requestBody = TogetherAIChatCompletionRequestBody(
        messages: [
                content: toolPrompt,
                role: .system
                content: "What's the weather like in Tokyo over the next few days?",
                role: .user
        model: "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-Turbo",
        temperature: 0,
        tools: [
            TogetherAITool(function: function)
    let response = try await togetherAIService.chatCompletionRequest(body: requestBody)
    print(response.choices.first?.message.content ?? "")
}  catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
    print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
    print("Could not create TogetherAI llama 3.1 tool completion: \(error.localizedDescription)")